Important Dates

Workshop/SS Proposal Due

April 15, 2024
June 15, 2024


Regular Paper Due

July 15, 2024
August 04, 2024


Workshop/SS Paper Due

July 15, 2024
August 20, 2024


Author Notification

September 15, 2024

Camera-Ready Submission

October 15, 2024

Conference Date

December 02-07, 2024

Sponsored and supported by

Call for Workshop Proposals

2024 IEEE International Conference on Digital Twin (Digital Twin 2024) calls for workshop proposals which will complement the research topics of the Digital Twin 2024.

A workshop is an affiliated, yet independent session in Digital Twin 2024, focusing on a specific research topic relevant to Digital Twin 2024. Each workshop will be expected to have a number of accepted papers. It can also accept several work-in-progress papers. A workshop programme can include invited talks, panel session, up to the organizers’ consideration.

Workshop organizers are responsible for forming program committees, circulating Call for Papers, organizing submissions and reviews as well as planning the final programs. Digital Twin 2024 workshop co-chairs will assist the workshop organizers in organizing those sessions and ensure their quality and success. The registration fees for workshop papers will be determined by the organizing committees of Digital Twin 2024, generally speaking at the same rate as the main conference. The workshop should strictly follow the important dates. The workshop paper submission deadlines are usually after that of the main conference to allow workshops to pick up some rejected good papers submitted to the main conference. However, sufficient time should be allocated for peer reviews. Each paper should be reviewed by at least two experts in the corresponding areas.

In order to encourage workshop organising, the main conference will offer the following benefits to workshop organizers:
(1) If a workshop has over 10 full registrations, one full registration will be waived.
(2) If a workshop receives more than 20 full registrations, its organizers can choose to get two free registrations or a travel grant (up to USD1500) to attend the conference.

The registrations must be from a workshop's own received submissions and accepted papers only, excluding transferred papers from other conferences.

The registrations must be from a workshop’s own received submissions and accepted papers only, excluding transferred papers from other conferences.

Please email your workshop proposals in PDF format by 15 April 2024: to the Digital Twin 2024 workshop chairs, Jiangtao Wang ( or Khawla Alhasan ( Please use the Digital Twin 2024 workshop proposal as the email subject. Paper Submissions for accepted workshops should follow the same Paper Submission Guidelines for the main conference. The length of a workshop paper submission is limited to 8 pages.

Important Dates:

Proposal Due: 15 June 2024

Proposal Notification: 1 July 2024

Paper submission & notification: decided by the workshop organizer

Camera ready version due: October 15, 2024


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